That was MIPIM 2015
13 March 2015
From March 10 – 13, the real estate industry met in Cannes. METRO PROPERTIES was present as a premium partner at the City of Düssledorf booth.
Like every year, the Der Grand Palais became the “world’s real estate market”: on four days, it was all about current projects, trends and of course networking. Also this year, METRO PROPERTIES took the opportunity to present the company and its current projects to the expert audience and exchange with the different actors of the real estate world.
Current project development Istanbul-Kartal
A current METRO PROPERTIES project development had a big appearance at MIPIM: At the booth of the Turkish project developer, a model of the future MCC store was presented together with the planned residential buildings in Istanbul Kartal.
So far, the plot had been used for a Praktiker store and a small shopping center. The insolvency of Praktiker gave way to the project development. As part of the project development, a mixed-use asset in created. The concept aims at constructing severeal buildings on the plot, which can be developed and operated separately. Apart from a new, modern and efficient store, the object will also feature modern office spaces and residential units. The roof of the future METRO Cash&Carry store becomes a private green space for the residential towers.
"After the planning, the implementation and the marketing are proceeding with full force", said Jean-Christophe Bretxa. "Here at the tradefair, you can really feel the dynamic and speed as the project is picking up pace", said the METRO PROPERTIES CEO.